What is Signal Finder Mode?
Signal Finder Mode (SFM) is a feature that you can use to determine an install location that will provide the best cellular signal strength for a BZ Gateway. Knowing the ideal location within your environment can improve the installation process.
- Hold the power button for three to four seconds then release the power button to start Signal Finder Mode. A white LED will flash repeatedly to indicate you are in Signal Finder Mode (this mode will operate for three minutes or until you press the power button again).
- To achieve the best connectivity, move the BZ Gateway around the install location until the white LED begins to quickly blink (a blinking red LED indicates a poor cellular signal). Maximum signal strength is represented with a white LED flash every 200ms (the faster the white LED blinks the stronger the cellular signal).
SIGNAL STRENGTH LED PATTERN INDICATION 0-3 RED LED blinking (quick blinking <1 second) Low signal strength range 4-10 WHITE LED blinking (quick blinking <1 second) Good signal strength range N/A RED LED blinking every 4 seconds The modem is booting and/or has no network coverage
- Once a good location has been found, quickly press and release the power button to exit signal finder mode.