SmartSense Mobile App Troubleshooting
This Troubleshooting Guide will help you solve issues you encounter on the SmartSense mobile app.
The guide is attached below if you wish to download a PDF version of this Troubleshooting Guide. Please click DOWNLOAD if you would like to save or print a copy.
- Login Troubleshooting
- Bluetooth Probe Troubleshooting
- Mobile Device Settings
- Unexpected App Behavior
I am unable to log in to the SmartSense mobile app
If you are unable to log in it could be caused by one of many reasons:
- “Network Error” message
- Verify that your device has a working Internet connection
- Open a web browser and navigate to an authorized website to confirm that you have an Internet connection
- If you are connected to the Internet, attempt to log in to the SmartSense web app by opening a web browser on your device and going to the website
- Invalid credentials
- Verify that Caps Lock is disabled
- Verify the username you entered is correct
- Tap the EYE symbol in the Password field to verify the password you entered is correct
- If you are still unable to log in, reset your password
- Password reset needed
- Open a web browser and navigate to
- On the SmartSense webpage, click FORGOT PASSWORD (below the Log In button)
- You will receive an email with the temporary password (check your SPAM folder if it is not in your inbox)
- After entering the temporary password, you will be prompted to create a new password
- Open the mobile app and log in with your username and the new password
If you continue having trouble logging in, contact your SmartSense System Administrator to reset the password. If issues persist, contact SmartSense Support.
The Bluetooth Probe is not connecting to the SmartSense mobile app
If you are unable to connect your probe and receive a message saying “unable to connect to any Bluetooth probes” when trying to take a temperature, follow the steps below to resolve the issue.
- Check mobile device settings
- Go to your mobile device SETTINGS to ensure that your device has Bluetooth and Location Services enabled
- Check that all permissions (location services, camera, photo gallery, etc.) are allowed for the SmartSense mobile app on your device
- Open a TEMPERATURE PROBE TASK on the SmartSense mobile app
- Power on the Bluetooth Probe
- Click the TAKE TEMPERATURE button
- Wait for the temperature from the Bluetooth Probe to display in the app
- Unpair the Bluetooth Probe
- Open the BLUETOOTH SETTINGS on your mobile device
- Click FORGET DEVICE to unpair the probe from your mobile device
- Restart your mobile device
- Unlock your mobile device
- Open the SmartSense mobile app and open a TEMPERATURE PROBE TASK
- Power on the Bluetooth Probe
- Click the TAKE TEMPERATURE button
- Pair the Bluetooth Probe with your mobile device
- Wait for the temperature from the Bluetooth Probe to display in the app
- Restart the Bluetooth Probe
- Restart the Bluetooth Probe by holding the power button for 2-3 seconds to power it off
- Hold the power button for 2 seconds to power on
- The Bluetooth icon below the Power button should NOT blink and the Bluetooth icon should NOT display on the LED screen
- Power on the Bluetooth Probe
- Click the TAKE TEMPERATURE button
- Wait for the temperature from the Bluetooth Probe to display in the app
- Open the Probe Diagnostic tool
- Tap the MENU icon in the upper right corner of the SmartSense mobile app
- Power on the Bluetooth Probe
- Wait for “TempAlert BTProbe” to appear on the screen (the mobile app will detect your Bluetooth Probe if that name appears)
- Click the CONNECT button
- The mobile app can connect to your Bluetooth Probe if you are able to view the probe information
- Tap the COLOR DANCE button to confirm the probe in the app is connected to the desired Bluetooth Probe
- Click the DISCONNECT button
- Click the BACK button
- Power on the Bluetooth Probe
- Click the TAKE TEMPERATURE button
- Wait for the temperature from the Bluetooth Probe to display in the app
The Bluetooth Probe is not taking temperatures accurately
A Bluetooth Probe that is not taking temperatures accurately could indicate that there is physical damage. Please review the following. Contact SmartSense Support for further assistance if the problem persists.
- Check for physical damage on the metal tip and the base of the Bluetooth Probe
- A bent or broken tip
- Cracked plastic housing
- Exposed battery
- Damage to the LED screen
- Check the positioning of the Bluetooth Probe when taking temperatures
- Ensure the metal tip is not placed all the way through the product
- Ensure the metal tip is not touching the side or bottom of the holding container/table
- Perform a Power Cycle
- When the Bluetooth Probe is on (check the LED screen) turn off the probe by holding the POWER BUTTON for two seconds
- Power on the probe by holding the POWER BUTTON for two seconds
- Run an “Ice Bath Calibration Test”
- Perform an “ice bath calibration test” to verify temperature accuracy
- Fill a deep container with crushed ice completely to the top
- Fill half the container with water then let the ice and water mixture sit for two minutes
- Stir the ice and water mixture for 15 seconds
- Power on your probe and place into the ice bath, submerging at least two inches of the probe into the ice bath
- Keep the probe submerged for at least 30 seconds while stirring without touching the walls or the bottom of the container
- Leave the probe in the ice bath until the thermometer reading stabilizes for at least 3 seconds
- The probe should reach 32º Fahrenheit (0º Celsius) in a properly made ice bath
Contact SmartSense Support if the probe does not reach the proper measurement
Why do I not have full permissions in the SmartSense mobile app (e.g., camera access, location access, etc.)?
Go to the SETTINGS on your mobile device to turn on permissions for the SmartSense mobile app (permissions include Bluetooth, Location Services, Camera, Photo Gallery, etc.).
Temperature reading is in the wrong unit of measurement
- Open the SmartSense mobile app MENU
- Under GENERAL, tap the toggle button to the preferred unit of measurement (Imperial or Metric) If the “unit of measurement” is not reflected in the app after this change occurs, log out and log back into the mobile app
If the “unit of measurement” is not reflected in the app after this change occurs, log out and log back into the mobile app.
Text on the screen is cut off or misaligned
- Check your mobile device’s ACCESSIBILITY features to determine if the text size for that device has been adjusted
- Reset the size of the text to the default setting
Note: Increased text size or increased zoom of the display may cause irregularities in the app’s interface.
- Restart the device’s DISPLAY ZOOM setting to the default setting
Note: Some devices have screen/display settings in addition to the text size settings.
- Navigate back to the screen where the text was misaligned to check if it displays as expected
The data or information on my screen is not updating
If the data on the screen is not up-to-date or the data you recently submitted is populating in a report, then pull to refresh your screen. If this does not work, there could be an issue with the Internet connection on your device.
- On the same device, open a web browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.)
- Enter a website or click on an approved website
- If the page loads and you can navigate to the website, then your device most likely has an Internet connection
- If the page does not load:
a. Check the device settings to be sure WIFI and CELLULAR are enabled or
b. Walk to an area where you can get reception
If your Internet connectivity issue persists, contact your IT department to see if there were changes to the device management software. This can sometimes restrict Internet access for the SmartSense mobile app but may need to be handled by an IT expert.
Why is my screen blank after logging in to the SmartSense mobile app?
If your screen is blank on the SITE SELECTION screen, check with your System Administrator to ensure you have at least one location assigned. If this is not the issue, check the Internet connection on your device and make sure your device has a network connection. The mobile app needs Internet access to display information on some screens.
I cannot submit a Checklist
If you cannot submit a checklist, there are several reasons why this behavior can occur.
- Checklist is partially completed
- Some Checklists require all tasks to be completed prior to submission which will trigger an alert
- Ensure Tasks in the Checklists are fully completed
- Complete the minimum number of required tasks in the Checklists prior to submission (if applicable)
- Internet connection issue
- Open a WEB BROWSER on your device
- Enter a website or click on an approved website
- If the page loads and you can navigate to the website, then your device most likely has an Internet connection
- If the page does not load, then check the device SETTINGS to be sure WIFI and CELLULAR are enabled
- Walk to an area where you can get reception
- Auto Submit enabled
- In the SmartSense mobile app, click on the MENU in the upper right corner
- Navigate to the PREFERENCES screen
- Navigate back to the Checklist
- Tap the SUBMIT button
- Auto Submit disabled
- In the mobile app, click on the MENU in the upper right corner
- Navigate to the PREFERENCES screen
- Navigate back to the Checklist
- Complete a Task
- Auto Sync
If the issue persists, contact SmartSense Support.
There are no Tasks displayed in Scheduled Checklists or in Quick Actions
If no scheduled Checklists are displayed, verify that no one else completed the Checklist earlier. You can do this by tapping the FILTERS icon on the Scheduled Checklists screen. Ensure that COMPLETED Checklists appear in the filter to view all Checklists that have been completed that day.
If there are still no Tasks or Checklists on the Scheduled Checklists screen and the Quick Actions screen, check your Internet connection. The SmartSense mobile app connects to the Internet to get up-to-date information and configurations, so a weak or broken Internet connection may prevent the answers from being submitted.
- Open a WEB BROWSER on your device
- Enter a website or click on an approved website
- If the page loads and you can navigate to the website, then your device most likely has an Internet connection
- If the page does not load, check the device SETTINGS to be sure WIFI and CELLULAR are enabled
- Walk to an area where you can get reception
If other users have the same issue, contact SmartSense Support. If your device is the only device with this issue, log into another device and repeat the process to see if the same behavior occurs. If the other device behaves normally, contact your IT department.
Answers to Checklists or Food Safety checks are not showing as completed
The SmartSense mobile app connects to the Internet when submitting answers, so a weak or broken Internet connection may prevent the answers from being submitted.
- Open a WEB BROWSER on your device
- Enter a website or click on an approved website
- If the page loads and you can navigate to the website, then your device most likely has an Internet connection
- If the page does not load, check the device SETTINGS to be sure WIFI and CELLULAR are enabled
- Walk to an area where you can get reception
If the Internet is working, check the Location you selected.
- In the mobile app, tap the MENU icon
- Tap CHANGE SITE in the Menu
- Search for the LOCATION associated with the Checklist or Task
Note: Locations and Departments with similar names may have different Checklists configured