How to Use the Device ID Page
The Device ID page allows you to view all sensors associated with a Device, whether assigned or unassigned to an asset. You can view detailed device information including active ports, sensor types, any asset associations (if applicable), as well as export options for the data.
How to access the DEVICE ID page:
- Clicking on the Device ID hyperlink on the Asset Details page in the Sensors section
- Select the ASSETS tab
- Navigate to the correct location/site from the Hierarchy
- Select the ASSET NAME to view the asset’s details
- In the Sensors section, select the DEVICE ID
- Clicking on the Device ID hyperlink on the Gateways page
- Select the GATEWAYS tab
- Navigate to the correct location/site from the Hierarchy
- Select the GATEWAY NAME to view the gateway’s details
- Scroll towards the bottom of the page and select the DEVICE ID
- Clicking on the Device ID hyperlink on the System Management page
- Navigate to the ADMIN tab then click SYSTEM MANAGEMENT
- Navigate to the correct tab (Assigned Sensors, Assigned Gateways, Unassigned Sensors, Unassigned Gateways)
- Search on and select the DEVICE ID
The Device ID will be displayed on this page:
The Signal Strength and Battery levels will be shown below the Device ID. Here you will see an interactive graph that displays today’s readings. You can zoom in on the graph to view a more precise reading or select one of the other options above the graph (Yesterday, Last 7 Days, or Last Month) to expand the graph up to one month prior for a general overview.
To the right of the graph, you can view timestamps for the most recent readings corresponding to the graph. Additionally, you can adjust the temperature and/or humidity settings to filter the displayed data.
Under SENSORS, you can view details including the sensor name, reading type, port number, asset name (if applicable), device type, last activity, and calibration end date (if applicable). Sensor data may not be available when selecting the Device for Gateways.