Z Sensor: Battery Replacement
Replacing Z Sensor Batteries
1. To replace batteries in the Z Sensor, locate the panel and 4 screws on the front of the device.
2. Using a Phillips head screwdriver or drill, unscrew all 4 screws and set them aside.
3. Remove the white plastic panel. The yellow sticker should remain on the panel during the battery replacement.
4. Replace the Z Sensor's batteries (2 AA Energizer Lithium).
5. Replace the white panel and gently secure the screws back in. Screwing them in too tightly may crack the panel and compromise the device.
Replacing Z Screen Batteries
1. The Z Screen shows the battery level of both the screen and the sensor itself.
2. To replace the batteries on the Z Screen, locate the small ridge on the bottom of the device.
3. Insert a small coin into the ridge and twist the coin to open.
4. Carefully run the coin along the seam and pull up until the device splits into two.
5. Replace the screen's batteries (4 AAA Energizer Lithium) and snap the two pieces of the device back together.