Report Management
A report is an output of collected data related to various activities within the SmartSense solution. Reports are helpful tools that allow you to recognize patterns and readings as they pertain to incidents, checklists, recorded temperatures, etc.
To access your reports, navigate to and log in by entering your SmartSense USERNAME and PASSWORD.
From your home screen (dashboard), select the REPORTS tab.
Here you can view a list of all available reports related to assets, audits, or digital HACCP. Depending on your organization's settings, you may not see some of these categories.
To run a report, select the report and a new page will open. You can filter the criteria to specify the information you want to generate.
Once you are ready, select the DOWNLOAD ICON and choose the desired format for your report. The download should begin within a few seconds and will appear in the downloads folder on your device.
Note: If you wish to generate another report, select the REPORTS tab again and follow the same process as you did above.