SmartSense API: Global Types
Global types are foundational data types that cannot be broken down any further. They follow industry standard norms and are not specific to SmartSense.
All SmartSense APIs use the following custom types:
- Numbers
- Time Zones
- Enums
Below you will see a detailed breakdown of each of these global types.
Byte - Parameters of type byte can return or accept a whole number between 0 and 255 inclusive.
Integer (16 bit) - Parameters of type integer (16 bit) can return or accept a whole number between -32,768 and 32,767 inclusive.
Integer (32 bit) - Parameters of type integer (32 bit) can return or accept a whole number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 inclusive.
Integer (64 bit) - Parameters of type integer (64 bit) can return or accept a whole number between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 inclusive.
Float (32 bit) - Parameters of type float (32 bit) can return or accept a 4-byte floating-point number.
Float (64 bit) - Parameters of type float (64 bit) can return or accept an 8-byte floating-point number.
Decimal - Parameters of type decimal may include a fractional portion separated by a point. The number of allowed digits on either side of the point may be specified.
Example: A parameter type specified as decimal (5.2) would have a maximum of 5 digits before the decimal point, and 2 after.
Date - Parameters of type date should be sent to (and are sent from) the service as a combined date and time in ISO 8601 format. Time zone information must be included, or the results of the API call are not defined.
Note: All dates returned by the service are in UTC.
Time Zones
Time zones are returned as a human-readable string as described by IANA and stored in their Time Zone Database.
Fields that are enums are returned as strings in JSON. The string value will be limited to the possible enum values for string value will be limited to the possible enum values as defined for the type. All enum types have the possibility of being null.
Group Type
Specifies the type of a group.
Values include:
- "Account"
- "Organization"
- "Location"
- "Department"