WiFi: Troubleshooting
This video can help guide users through getting an offline WiFi Device back online.
If you are running into issues with your device being booted off the network or having trouble joining the network, there are a few things you will want to check up on:
- Navigate to the device interface used during setup.
- You can do this by either hooking the WiFi device back up to a PC via the PC port or by browsing to the device's IP address on your network if you have this number.
- On the bottom right corner, select switch to develop mode.
- You will be prompted for a username and password.
- The username is admin and the password is password.
- If you have already linked this device to a sensor cloud account, the password will instead be the same one used for sensor cloud.
- The first thing to check is the alarm settings tab.
- Ensure that the Use Sensor Cloud field is set to 'Yes'.
- You will also notice a device ID
- Be sure to record this number as it is beneficial for troubleshooting with our support team, should it come to that.
- Be sure to select 'safe' if any changes were made.
- The next area to check is the connection settings tab.
- If the device is properly connected, you should see that the client is connected.
- You should also see a current WAN IP letting you know the device is successfully on the network.
- If the device has all this information but still isn't communicating, there's a very high chance your network has restrictions or firewalls in place blocking communication.
- You'll want to forward both the wireless and Ethernet Mac addresses to your IT Department and let them know about the situation.
- If the device is not connected, you will want to ensure all information is correct, under the connection settings tab
- Ensure you have the right type of connection selected, WiFi or Ethernet.
- Also ensure the correct network SSID, encryption type, and WiFi password.
- Most users will want to leave the Obtain WAN IP Via field set to 'DHCP'.
- Do not change the wired LAN Ethernet IP unless absolutely necessary.
- The final thing to check is the firmware version.
- This information can be found under the help tab.
- For the best reliability and performance, you will always want to be on the latest firmware version.
- For example, at the time of this filming, the latest version is 8.11.
- This version has added defense against devices being kicked off the network.
- Simply download the latest version and select upgrade firmware from the help tab and choose the file you just downloaded.
- The device will take care of the rest on its own.
- Please ensure to allow the device to fully complete the upgrade without removing power.
- This process can take several minutes.
- If you are still having issues, feel free to submit an email to support at www.TempAlert.com.
- Let us know if you have tried all the steps in this video and are still having issues.
- Be sure to include the previously recorded device ID.