How to Generate Legacy Reports
The SmartSense platform allows you to generate reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can also generate a one-time report to print or download to your device for review.
Click on the REPORTS tab then select LEGACY REPORTS in the right corner.
Select the type of report you would like to receive. You will be taken to the GENERATE REPORT page.
On this page, you will need to complete the required fields. By default, the REPORT TYPE field will be prefilled. Choose your TIME ZONE, select one of the options for REPEAT FREQUENCY (how often the report is generated), fill out the DATE RANGE to generate data within the specified range, and in the NAME field, choose a name for the report.
Depending on the report type you selected, there may be other fields to complete such as:
- Email
- Device
- Location
- Reporting Times
- Target - Once you are ready, select GENERATE in the bottom right corner to access the report. Depending on what fields you completed, you will receive an email attachment or hyperlink to the report. Otherwise, a new page will open in your web browser, and in the top right corner, you can download or print the report.
To view reports that have been generated, go back to the LEGACY REPORTS screen then select COMPLETED REPORTS in the top right corner.
Here you can view ALL REPORTS as well as the details associated with each report. If you wish to download a PDF of one of these reports, select the DOWNLOAD icon to the far right.
You can also view SCHEDULED reports where you can see the details, including when the report is scheduled to be generated. You can modify the details of a report by selecting the PENCIL icon or you can delete a report by selecting the TRASH CAN icon.