USB: Setting Up the Automatic PC Shutdown Feature
This article explains how to set up the automated PC shutdown feature when using the USB device. This feature enables the device to shut the system down once a temperature threshold has been exceeded.
Note: This action completely shuts down the system upon which the device is running. Please keep in mind that you will lose unsaved data when the system shuts down.
To get started:
1. Launch the USB Software, then click the Settings tab.
2. In the Advanced Settings area, click Shutdown.
3. In the Shutdown Settings dialog, click the Enable Shutdown checkbox to give permission for Temperature@lert to shut down the system when a maximum/minimum temperature threshold is crossed.
4. In the Shutdown after ___ minutes field, type the number of minutes that must elapse after a recurring alarm event, but before Temperature@lert shuts down the system.
5. Click OK.
6. To store the information, click Save & Apply Changes.