WiFi: Setting Up and Troubleshooting Gmail for SMTP
Successfully setting up your mail server gives your device access to send out emails on a specific mailing network.
Steps to setup Gmail for SMTP Server:
1. In Developer mode ( WiFi Developer Mode Video), navigate to the "Mail Settings" tab.
2. Click on the SMTP Server drop-down box.
3. Select "Use Gmail SMTP Server".
4. Enter your Gmail username in the username field (Only enter the information before @gmail.com).
5. Enter your Gmail password.
6. Enter a recipient email in the Send Daily Status Email To field, then click save.
Note: If the send test email does not work, check that port 465 is open on your network and that your password is correct.
7. Take a look at your Gmail account security settings and make sure that "Access for less secure apps" is enabled.