Admin — User Management
Use this guide to create and manage user permissions in SmartSense. Only authorized users have access to this feature.
Create a New User
- To manage users on the SmartSense platform, navigate to the ADMIN tab and select USER MANAGEMENT. This will take you to the User Management page.
- On the User Management page, you can view existing users and details such as email, username, and access level. To add a new user, select CREATE NEW USER in the upper right corner.
On this screen, fill out the fields under PERSONAL INFORMATION. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
If the voice number being used requires an extension, check the box labeled REQUIRES EXTENSION. This will display a new field called EXTENSION NUMBER. If a delay is required, you can enter a W for each half-second delay (e.g., wwww123wwww will pause for two seconds before extension 123 is entered then another two-second pause will occur before the message begins). -
Next, you will need to fill out the required fields under ACCOUNT INFORMATION. The first field, ACCESS LEVEL, designates a user's authorization in SmartSense. It's important to select the correct option to ensure that users have accurate permissions.
For more details on each access level, please view the User Permissions Matrix. - Next, fill out the USERNAME and PASSWORD fields. Passwords must have at least 8 characters, contain one uppercase letter, contain one lowercase letter, contain one non-alphanumeric character, not be the same as the username, and not be the same as the email.
- Under the ASSIGNED TO LOCATION field, select an option from the dropdown. Under the LOCATION ROLE field, select an option from the dropdown. This will determine which alarm notifications a user receives. If you do not see a specific role, you can add a new one by selecting ADD NEW LOCATION ROLE.
ADD LOCATION & ROLE is an optional feature but this can be used if a user needs access to multiple locations.
- Once all the required fields are completed, click the SAVE button in the bottom right corner to add the new user to your list of users.
Manage Existing Users
- To manage existing users, navigate to ADMIN > USER MANAGEMENT and hover over the user's name. Navigate to the far right then click on the ELLIPSIS (three dots) to open a modal window.
You can choose from several options:
Edit User: modify the username, email, SMS number, access level, etc.
Deactivate User: this will prevent the user from logging in and will stop notifications from sending (users can be reactivated later)
Delete User: this will completely remove the user from the account (deleted usernames may be reused by new users)
Reset Password: an email will be sent to the email assigned to the user with password reset instructions
Send Test Notification: if a user is having trouble receiving SMS notifications, emails, or phone calls, this test can be used to verify whether there is an issue with the SmartSense settings or the user’s email/phone service provider