Using Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Differential Pressure Sensors
SmartSense supports oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and differential pressure sensors (along with temperature and humidity sensors). Refer to the steps below to learn how to assign these sensors to assets and create alarms.
Assign an Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, or Pressure Differential Sensor to an Asset
Note: A sensor must have transmitted at least one record to be assigned to an asset.
To get started, log in to your SmartSense account, hover over the ADMIN tab, then select SYSTEM MANAGEMENT.
From the System Management page, select the UNASSIGNED SENSORS tab.
Scroll to the desired sensor within the list. Alternatively, search for the sensor's device ID to locate it.
Hover over the row containing the sensor and an ASSIGN button will appear in the far right-hand column. Click this button and a modal window will appear.
You will now need to fill out the fields in the Assign Sensor modal window:
- Select the LOCATION or DEPARTMENT for the sensor
- Select the ASSET where the sensor should be assigned (a new asset may be created or the sensor can be assigned to an existing asset)
- NAME the sensor
- Select the READING TYPE (CO2, O2, or Pressure Differential options are determined by the sensor type)
- Select the PORT (an optional field that is automatically populated when the Reading Type is selected)
- Select SAVE to finish assigning the sensor.
View the Sensor from an Asset
Select the ASSETS tab.
From this page, select the ASSET where your sensor is assigned.
In the TIMELINE VIEW, you will see a trend line for all assigned sensors to this asset.Note: You may have to allow the new sensor to collect data before you see any history.
In the right-hand column, you will see a list of the last readings for all assigned sensors to the asset (in this area you can also DOWNLOAD A CSV of sensor details.
From the MEASURES TAB, you can deselect certain sensors and simplify the timeline view.
Create an Alarm
From the ASSETS tab, you can create an alarm for the selected asset.
To create a site or department-level alarm, hover over the ADMIN tab then select ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT.
Select the NEW ALARM button in the ALARMS CONFIGURED section.
The fields APPLY ALARM TO, ASSET, and TAGS (if applicable) will already be filled out.
Under the ALARM SETTINGS section, enter a NAME for your alarm, select the ALARM TYPE from the drop-down, choose a THRESHOLD, then select the SEVERITY.
Follow the instructions for Notification Settings and Additional Settings under How to Configure a Temperature or Humidity Alarm.
Select SAVE.
You will now see your alarm in the ALARMS CONFIGURED section of the ASSET DETAILS page.