How to Export a CSV File for Sensor Data
SmartSense allows authorized users to export a CSV file containing data from sensors assigned to any asset.
Note: Sensor downloads contain all of the sensor data presented within your current dashboard view. To download data for the month, select the MONTH VIEW. To download data for a date range time, select the DATE RANGE and then download the file.
Before you export sensor data, please confirm that you have the correct permissions (you can reference the User Permissions Matrix).
- Log in to your SmartSense account then click on the ASSETS tab.
- Navigate to the desired ASSET and click on it to display the asset information. Here you can configure your VIEW before downloading the data.
- In the right-hand column in the LAST READINGS tab, locate the DOWNLOAD ICON then click DOWNLOAD CSV.
The download should begin within a few seconds and will save to your DOWNLOADS FOLDER on your device. Your file will contain the following information:
- Sensor Name
- Date and Time of the Reading
- Reading Value
- Reading Type
See the example below:
Note: Data for multiple sensors will appear in the file sequentially e.g., Sensor 1, Sensor 2, etc.