Creating Flow of Food
Flow of Food is the course food takes from receiving and storage through preparation, cooking, holding, serving, cooling, and reheating. Use this tutorial to understand how to create flow of food in your SmartSense account.
- Navigate to the DIGITAL LOGBOOK tab and select FLOW OF FOOD from the dropdown.
- On this page, you can manage existing food items lists or add a new food items list by selecting the + FOOD ITEMS LIST button in the right corner.
- A modal window will appear. Choose a unique name for your Food Items List then select CREATE.
- Next, click on the STEPS tab then select the + STEP button in the right corner.
Fill out the required fields on the next page. In the STEP NAME field, enter a unique label to identify the step, e.g., “Cooking” or “Cold Holding.” In the STEP TYPE field, enter a name or select from the dropdown.
Finally, choose the preferred temperature unit, FAHRENHEIT or CELSIUS, then leave the checkbox marked if you want to add the food step automatically to new food items.
Once you are done creating the flow of food step, select SAVE. Alternatively, if you wish to create another step, select SAVE + CREATE ANOTHER. -
Go back to the FOOD ITEMS LISTS tab and select the Food Item List you created. From here, you can add food items to your list by selecting the + FOOD ITEM button in the right corner.
Fill out the required fields then select SAVE. Alternatively, if you wish to create another step, select SAVE + CREATE ANOTHER.
- Next, select the UNITS tab and click on the +UNITS button.
- Add a unique name for your unit and then select the food items that should relate to the unit. Once you are done, select SAVE. Alternatively, if you wish to create another step, select SAVE + CREATE ANOTHER.
- Finally, navigate to the ASSOCIATIONS tab then select +FOOD ITEMS LIST ASSOCIATIONS.
- A modal window will appear. Select the LOCATION(S)/ DEPARTMENT(S) that should be associated with the food item list then select SAVE to apply changes.
- Your Flow of Food settings should be set up and ready to use.