How to Manage Templates
Learn how to manage different types of templates to help you keep your hierarchy organized. Only authorized users can access this feature.
Templates can be created to ensure there is consistency within your hierarchy, allowing for preset fields, roles, and contacts, and is the place to manage Organization, Location, and Department templates. The Templates tab is where you can manage Organization, Location, and Department templates.
To access Templates, navigate to the ADMIN tab and select ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT. This will take you to the Organization Management page.
- Select the TEMPLATES tab and enter a keyword in the SEARCH BAR or expand the template hierarchy to find the desired organization, location, or department. If you wish to make changes to a template, select the ELLIPSIS (three dots) to the far right then click EDIT.
On this page, you can edit the template type, name, roles & contacts, and additional attributes. Once you are done, select SAVE to apply changes.
- Alternatively, if you wish to create a new template select + ADD NEW in the right corner of the Templates screen and choose an option from the dropdown. Complete the required fields then select SAVE to apply changes.